
Happy birthday, moostress mine. Who'd have thought a meeting at a movie in the park would bring us months down the road and over the span of a few seasons? I'm happy it did. In you I've found something special. Something good. You're a wonderful person and I'm glad I get to celebrate you this evening.

I've always been a believer in practical gifts, things that are wanted or needed or could be of use. Put this towards finishing out a little bit more of your salon. It'll be a little more helpful than a doodle of a moose, by a moose.

What's in the bag stays in the bag until Joe's gone. Unless you want to tell him why I'm giving you so much film for your naughty camera. I didn't forget. We'll use it however you like, doing whatever you want, whenever you're in the mood.
Here's to it being a good year, bella,